Bulk Delete Registrations

You can bulk manage registrations through Event Espresso. 


  • Before deleting data, it is always a good idea to back up your database in case you need to retrieve this information for any reason.
  • Only registrations without any associated payment can be deleted. If your registration(s) have payments, the payments will need to be deleted from the transaction before the registration can be deleted. Visit the Transaction record, and edit the payments to delete a payment.

Filter/sort/find the Registrations

In order to delete registrations, first you locate the registrations. You can find the registrations you want to delete in several ways:

  • Navigate to Event Espresso > Events > Registrations link under the event name
  • Navigate to Event Espresso > Registrations and filter by status, name, search by name or email, etc.

Bulk Select

You can bulk select registrations by selecting the checkboxes individually or click the top checkbox to select all the results of one page.

Bulk Actions

Once you have your registrations selected, you can click the Actions dropdown options and click Apply.

Permanently Delete

Once you have trashed a registration, you can click the "Trash" filter to see just the Trashed registrations.

After selecting the trashed registrations, you can bulk permanently delete.

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