Event Sold Out or Expired

Within Event Espresso and event is "Sold Out" or "Expired" for different reasons.

Before we describe Sold Out and Expired, please take notice of the filters that may be applied to your datetime and/or ticket list. You may not see any datetimes or tickets if your filters are excluding them from being shown. Remove the filters and you will see your datetimes and tickets.

Filtered Views of Tickets and Datetimes

Sold Out

"Sold Out" means the event has reached capacity among either the Datetime capacity or the Ticket capacity or a combination of both. Remember datetimes and tickets can be a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship.

Check the capacity of the ticket and/or datetime, or combination of tickets and datetimes associated together.


"Expired" means that the dates for the event or the dates for the tickets has passed. If you expect an event to be active, double check that your dates are not incorrect.

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