People Admin Add-on

The People add-on creates a new interface within the Event Espresso 4 admin for managing people associated with an organization and/or event. People can be organized by type (e.g. as staff (default option) or volunteer, speaker, sponsor, etc) and categories.

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This add-on is a plugin for WordPress and can be installed through your WP dashboard (WP-admin).

Download the latest version of the People add-on from your Event Espresso account.

Then login to your  WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) and go to Plugins. Next, click on Add New –> Upload and browse to the plugin on your computer. Then select the zip file and begin the upload process. Wait for the plugin to upload and then click on Activate.

Setup and Configuration

Login to your  WP dashboard and go to Event Espresso –> People Admin.

You’ll now be viewing the overview screen for the People add-on.



From the People overview screen, click on Add Person. This will take you to the person editor for Event Espresso.

You’ll notice that the layout is similar to the event editor with some options that are applicable for a person’s contact information. Full name, first name, last name, and email is required. Other fields are optional.

Here is an overview of where this information appears:

Full name, description, and featured image are used on the people listings page (e.g. and single person page (e.g.

First name, last name, and short biography is used on the single event page (e.g.

Other information such as the person’s phone number and email are shown in the people overview screen within the WordPress dashboard (WP-admin).

Display Order

The display order can also be customized in the event editor, by adjusting the “order” value. We plan on adding drag-and-drop functionality in the future.


Views and Post Types

People archive pages are automatically created using WordPress Custom Post Types and can be easily added to a WordPress menu or customized by a designer or developer.

The default templates use your WordPress theme’s default archive.php file. Theme designers/developers should be able to create custom post type templates using the Event Espresso People Custom Post Types that are made available, once the add-on is installed and people are added to the system.

For example, this is a list of “Founders” (just a custom type I created earlier), that I can view by visiting the “founders” people type archive page (example:



The plugin will not activate. Can you help?
Are you running a current version of Event Espresso 4? This add-on needs at least version 4.6 to activate.


Our support team cannot write custom coding for you. Below are some examples on customizing this add-on.

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