Event Espresso Importer add-on help & documentation

Upload a list of attendees from a CSV file into Event Espresso. Then send out event registration confirmation emails or tickets with QR codes that can be scanned at event check-in.

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This extension is a plugin for WordPress and can be installed through your WP dashboard (WP-admin).

Download the latest version of the Event Espresso Importer add-on from the downloads area in the lower right area of your Event Espresso account page.

Then log in to your  WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) and go to Plugins. Next, click on Add New → Upload and browse to the plugin on your computer. Then select the zip file and begin the upload process. Wait for the plugin to upload and then click on Activate.

Setup and Configuration

Once activated, the plugin will show a new admin menu through  Event Espresso → Importer.


The Event Espresso Importer can be used to  import attendees, registrants, delegates, contacts, etc into an event in Event Espresso.

Here is an overview of the steps for importing:

– Create an event that will receive the imported information
– Upload a CSV file that contains details for five attendees
– Complete a test run with five attendee records and review
– Finish the import for the remaining attendees
– Notify attendees of their event registrations and optionally email tickets (available if you are using the Printable Tickets add-on).
– Get ready for your upcoming event

Set up an event that will receive the imported information

An event needs to be created with the event editor and published privately.

We recommend filling out the following details from the event editor:

– Event name
– Event datetime
– Event ticket or registration option
– Venue details

Our getting started guide has video tutorials on how to set up different events in Event Espresso.

Note: Publishing privately can be done through the visibility settings in the top right area of the event editor and will keep your event from appearing on your website.

Upload a CSV file that contains details for five attendees

The importer needs a first name, last name, email address, and payment amount (if applicable).

Here are templates for CSV files that you can use as a starting point:

First name, Last name, Email address, and Payment amount
First name, Last name, Email address, Address, Phone number, and Payment amount

Click to download a template that matches the information that you need to import. Then open in a spreadsheet program such as Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, or Microsoft Excel.

Copy and paste five records from your existing spreadsheet or list of attendees into the CSV template file. If your event is free, then set the payment amount column to 0. Then export as a CSV (Comma-separated values) file.

The exported CSV file with five attendee records will be used to test the import.

Complete a test run with five attendee records and review

Now go to your  WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) → Event Espresso → Importer:

1) Choose the event
2) Choose a ticket. If there is one ticket or registration option, then this will be skipped.
3) Select the CSV file that you exported from your spreadsheet program
4) Match up the fields
5) Verify the preview
6) Run the import

Check a couple of the imported registrations.

They should already be approved, and you can take a look at some of the attendees through  Event Espresso → Registrations.

Now that you’ve gone through a small test run, you can run the import for the remaining records.

Finish the import for the remaining attendees

Copy and paste all remaining records from your existing spreadsheet or list into the CSV template file. Then export as a CSV (Comma-separated values) file.

1) Choose the event
2) Choose a ticket. If there is one ticket or registration option, then this will be skipped.
3) Select the CSV file that you exported from your spreadsheet program
4) Match up the fields
5) Verify the preview
6) Run the import

Notify attendees of their event registrations and optionally email tickets

There are two options for notifying attendees about their recently imported event registrations in Event Espresso:

1) Event Espresso can send out event registration confirmation emails

2) Event Espresso can send out tickets with QR codes which can be scanned with a mobile phone or tablet at event check-in

Send out event registration confirmation emails

If you want to send each attendee an event registration confirmation email (instead of a printable ticket that can be scanned), then go to  Event Espresso → Registrations. Click Screen Options in the top right of your screen and then adjust pagination to 50 and save changes.

Bulk select 50 attendees. Then click on the Bulk Actions dropdown menu and select Approve and Notify. Next click the Apply button and Event Espresso will send out email notifications to the 50 attendees.

Move to page 2 and repeat the steps above to bulk select 50 attendees and Approve and Notify. Continue moving through the pages one by one until you’ve sent out notifications for all attendees.

Send out tickets with QR codes

If your goal is to email scannable tickets with QR codes, then make sure that the Printable Tickets extension is activated and follow the steps below.

Go to  Event Espresso → Messages → Settings and then turn off the Registration Approved message type by dragging and dropping it to the right column. This will make sure that an attendee only receives the Ticket Notice email notification which has access to their ticket.

Then look in the  actions column which appears in the right side of your screen and click on the ticket icon. You’ll then see a ticket for one of your attendees.

If you want to make any changes to the ticket content, then you can do so through  Event Espresso → Messages → Default Message Templates → Tickets. Afterward, then go back and check a couple more tickets for your attendees.

After reviewing some of the tickets, you can send them out to your attendees.

Go to  Event Espresso → Registrations. Click Screen Options in the top right of your screen and then adjust pagination to 50 and save changes.

Bulk select 50 attendees. Then click on the Bulk Actions dropdown menu and select Approve and Notify. Next click the Apply button and Event Espresso will send out tickets to the 50 attendees.

Move to page 2 and repeat the steps above to bulk select 50 attendees and Approve and Notify. Continue moving through the remaining pages until you’ve sent out tickets for all attendees.

Get ready for your upcoming event

If you sent out event registration confirmation emails to your attendees, then here is how to get an attendee list from Event Espresso.

If you sent out tickets to your attendees through email, then you can scan them using a phone or tablet with the event apps.

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