Simple Sold Out Event Notifications

At this time, Event Espresso does not automatically notify event managers of sold out events. To facilitate this feature until we have developed and released an “Automated Email Notifications” add-on, we have built in a series of filter hooks that can be used to trigger a simple email notification.

Basically, when the number of approved registrations equal the number of date time registration limits for a particular date time a simple email notification will be sent to the event manager.

Step 1 – Create a Site Specific Plugin

These changes will be applied using WordPress filters. Its best to add the sample code snippets below to a site specific plugin. You can view our guide on creating a site specific plugin for WordPress.

Step 2 – Add the Filter Hooks

Copy and paste the code from the bc_sold_out_event_email_notification.php Gist into the site specific plugin you just created.

Step 3 – Upload & Activate Site Specific Plugin

Once you’ve added the code from the Gist into your site specific plugin, activate the plugin on your website.

Going forward, whenever an event sells out, the event manager will receive an email about the sold out event. Here’s an example:

Event Espresso - sold out email example

Additional Information

Filter Hooks Used in this Example:

  • AHEE__EES_Espresso_Thank_You__check_for_sold_out_events
  • AFEE__EES_Espresso_Thank_You__check_for_sold_out_events__send_sold_out_event_email
  • AFEE__EES_Espresso_Thank_You__check_for_sold_out_events__sold_out_event_email_recipient
  • AFEE__EES_Espresso_Thank_You__check_for_sold_out_events__sold_out_event_email_subject
  • AFEE__EES_Espresso_Thank_You__check_for_sold_out_events__sold_out_event_email_message
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