How to Fix Emails Sending from WordPress

When emails send from your own server, do they look like they’re coming from WordPress? For example, the sender always says “WordPress”?

Email providers often reject email from email accounts that aren’t genuinely originated from the email provider’s servers. This helps secure their users’ email identities from being used by unauthorized senders. For example, sending email from your websites’ servers with a Yahoo email address such as the sender will likely be blocked from being delivered.

The reason you are seeing the emails being sent from is because your administrator email does not match your website domain that the form is being sent from. So, for example, if you have a address as your admin email, it will build a local email. This mirrors behavior from within WordPress itself to send certain emails. Again, because the email originates from your website’s server, this is an attempt to make sure your email is delivered by properly identifying it came from your server not your gmail or yahoo (etc.) email service.

To solve this, you can either:

  1. Set the admin email to one that matches your domain, e.g.
  2. Use either the Send From or WP Mail SMTP plugin to override the internal wp_mail() settings.

We recommend using either Send From or WP Mail SMTP because it helps solve a lot of other issues in addition to you not having to change your admin email.

Event Espresso 3 Users:

In Event Espresso > General Settings, there is an option labeled: “Use fancy email headers?” under “Email Settings”. If you set this to yes, and your server supports the fancy email headers, it will use the Organization Name that’s entered in the “Contact Information” as the email from name.

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