Review Pending Payment and Incomplete Transactions

In this document we will discuss:

When you use Event Espresso, you will see a couple things when people do not successfully pay for their event registration or have trouble purchasing tickets.

Specifically you will see:

  • Registrations with the status of Pending Payment.
  • Transactions with the status of Incomplete.

If you want to learn more about why this Registration is still pending Pending Payment or why the Transaction is Incomplete, you can click the Shopping Cart icon to get more information.

When you view the Transaction, you can scroll down to the Payment Details section:

If the attendee has NOT yet attempted a payment, then the Payment Details will be blank or empty.

If the attendee HAS attempted a payment, there will be one or several entries in the list table. There may be a Gateway Response if the payment attempt was successful or not. Notice there is a transaction ID stored with successful payments.

Failed Payment Logs

To learn more about why a particular payment or transaction has failed, you can go to  Event Espresso > Payment Methods > Logs (tab).

The Payment Method Logs table will list the information we can store when a payment is requested, and the response from the payment gateway (PayPal, Stripe, Square, etc.).

Do the following:

  1. Find the Transaction you are looking for. If you have forgotten the transaction ID you're interested in, go back to Event Espresso > Transactions to find the Transaction ID.
  2. Click the applicable payment method log IDs for the Transaction (txn) you are interested in.
  3. You can examine each payment log for information about the Status and Gateway Response Code(s). Note, these payment logs will contain different information and be formatted differently for different payment gateways. For example, Stripe and PayPal have different logs and different formats. So, be careful when examining the payment method log files for the correct information.

The reason a payment failed can be helpful to give good customer service to your attendees and customers and give you confidence that Event Espresso is working well for you.

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