How to Setup A Table List of Events

In this how-to I will show you how to set up a tabular list of events that a customer can use to add multiple events to cart.

You will need Multiple Event Registration add-on and Custom Files add-on to set this up.

First of all, install and activate the Multiple Event Registration (MER) add-on.

Next, use an SFTP or FTP client such as FileZilla or Cyberduck to copy the contents of the Custom Files add-on to the wp-content/uploads/espresso directory. You will need to maintain the directory structure so the custom_functions.php, custom_includes.php and custom_shortcodes.php files will go into the wp-content/uploads/espresso directory, and the contents of the templates folder will go into wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates.

In your WordPress dashboard create a new page for your table. I will call mine TablePage for this example but feel free to change that name. In the page put the [ESPRESSO_TABLE] shortcode.

Now comes a little bit of coding, as we need to modify the wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates/espresso_table.php file to work with MER. You can either do this via your servers control panel file manager or you can download the file via FTP or SFTP and edit it (don’t forget to upload the new version).

In that file look for the following line of code

<?php echo $register_button ?>

and then delete it and replace it with this line of code

<?php echo do_shortcode('[ESPRESSO_CART_LINK event_id="'.$event->id.'" anchor="Add to Cart"]');?>

The original link would have sent the customer to the registration page, which we did not want. The new link will add the event to the cart instead.

Feel free to change the wording of Add to Cart


If you want the user to be able to click directly off of the calendar (you will require the Calendar add-on) and end up at the table list, follow these instructions.

Install the Calendar add on, and create a new page in WordPress called Calendar (feel free to use your own name for it) and make sure the page contains the shortcode [ESPRESSO_CALENDAR].

Then in the events that you want to link to the table, in the option “Alternate Registration Page (optional)”, add the URL for the page containing the table (e.g.

Now when the customer clicks that event in the calendar they will be redirected to the table page containing a list of all your events.

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