Roles and Permissions Basic Add-on

The Roles and Permissions Basic add-on for Event Espresso allows admins you to create manage and customize the WordPress user roles and give them different permissions with different capabilities so your staff can help you manage your events or the events that other people create.

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This add-on requires Event Espresso 3.1.33 or newer. It cannot be used with old versions of Event Espresso 3.

This add-on is a plugin for WordPress and can be installed through your WP dashboard (WP-admin).

Download the latest version of the Roles and Permissions Basic add-on for Event Espresso 3 from your Event Espresso account.

Then login to your  WordPress dashboard (WP-admin) and go to Plugins. Next, click on Add New –> Upload and browse to the plugin on your computer. Then select the zip file and begin the upload process. Wait for the plugin to upload and then click on Activate.

Setup and Configuration

Login to your  WP dashboard and go to Users –> Add New. Then create a new user and assign them a role of ‘Espresso Master Admin.’


Install the User-Switching plugin for WordPress to quickly switch between user accounts while setting up permissions.

Set up the User Roles

Go to the  Event Espresso –> User Roles screen and edit the Administrator role. This role should have all the capabilities checked.

Then edit the  Espresso Master Admin role. This role should at the very least have the following capabilities active:

  • espresso_event_admin
  • espresso_event_manager
  • espresso_group_admin

Other capabilities such as unfiltered_html, upload_files might be useful if they will be creating event content.

If there are capabilities that are not in the list that you’d like to add, they can be entered into the text boxes below the list. A list of standard WordPress Capabilities can be referenced in the WordPress codex.


Then assign this new user role the permissions, or access to Event Espresso features, that this role should have. As an example, if the events that the event admin will be publishing will offer discount codes, set the ‘Discounts Page’ permission to be available for the event admin. Be sure to save when finished.

While there are no further settings to configure the Roles and Permissions add-on than what’s been covered here, it’s important to note one of the features of the Roles and Permission add-on:

The Roles and Permissions add-on “separates” registration form questions and question groups into groups for each user account. What this means is one user will not have access to another user’s custom registration form questions when creating or editing events.


The Roles and Permissions Basic add-on is helpful for creating users that have access to certain parts of Event Espresso within your WordPress dashboard. You can assign users certain permissions as shown in the screenshot above.


The plugin will not activate. Can you help?
Are you running a current version of Event Espresso 3?
Missing Admin Bar or blocked Admin access when also using Woocommerce?
Woocommerce blocks users without the edit_posts cabailbility from seeing the admin bar or accessing the admin.
The following code snippet can resolve this:

function ee_do_not_prevent_admin_access_with_woocommerce() {
return false;
add_action( 'admin_init', 'ee_allow_master_admin_admin_access_with_woocommerce');
function ee_allow_master_admin_admin_access_with_woocommerce() {
if ( current_user_can( 'espresso_event_admin' ) ) {
add_filter( 'woocommerce_prevent_admin_access', 'ee_do_not_prevent_admin_access_with_woocommerce' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_disable_admin_bar', 'ee_do_not_prevent_admin_access_with_woocommerce' );


Our support team cannot write custom coding for you. Below are some examples on customizing this add-on.
  • None at this time — check back soon!

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