2015 Changelog Archive
December 30, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.28.p
Bug fixes:
- Fix add_metaboxes action hook in the admin_wrapper so if follows WP core’s signature
- Fix non-file-generating batch jobs page
- Fix – Fatal error: Can’t inherit abstract function EventEspressoBatchRequest\JobHandlerBaseClasses\JobHandlerInterface::create_job() within PHP 5.3.8 and below
- Avoid adding duplicate indexes
- Fix negative payments when there are previous payments for multiple registrations
- Track previous Event Status when setting Event to Sold Out
- Add Payment Due Date shortcode
- Provide action after cleaning out junk transactions for plugins to do any additional cleanup that might be related to what transactions get deleted
- Update PayPal gateways to use http/1.1
- Add indexes to the database table schemas
- All text-input type questions can now have a max length set on them. System questions have a max-max (eg the max an admin can set on the zipcode question is 12, the number of characters allowed in the mysql column).
- Add Paypal tax settings
December 15, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.27.p
Bug fixes:
- Fix usage of EEH_Template::locate_template() to allow custom templates
- Fix conflict with Menu Manager’s Screen Options
- Optimize EE_Event::get_active_status()
- Modify url pointing to eventespresso.com for PUE api to https:// instead of http://
- Added a new table (esp_extra_join), model (EEM_Extra_Join), and relation (EE_HABTM_Any_Relation) which can be used to add a has-and-belongs-to relationship between any EE models. This should be especially useful for relating things without needing to add an extra model, table, etc in the future.
- Make sure to group the query by question ID when starting CSV report
- Add Core support for activating multiple Payment Methods of same type
December 7, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.26.p
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug with EE_Config::update_config
- Fix Ticket Selector shortcode for MER to make the add to cart button switch to view cart when the ticket is already in the cart
- Process CSV reports in smaller chunks instead of all at once
- Don’t add .htaccess files to folder where access is actually needed
- In EEH_File Automatically use WP_Filesystem_Direct to write to contents of the uploads folder
- Fix warnings on activation of add-ons when using the filesystem directly
- Fix translation strings within within Contact -> ‘Registrations for this contact’ metabox
- Fix [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES] not using the next event if no event_id is provided
- Fix multiple translation strings using newlines (\n) and multiple tabs (\t) within core
November 23, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.25.p
Bug fixes:
- Check for send_notifications flag and flip deliver_notifications filter switch if it is missing
- Remove unused Walker_Radio_Checklist class — fixes possible conflict with WordPress 4.4
- Add property and getter for PSR4 Autoloader to EE_Psr4AutoloaderInit
- Add the site’s currency settings to the localized eei18n JSON variable
- Add options to set which billing form questions are displayed and required for the Authorize.net AIM gateway
- Add a link to the Extensions & Services to the Admin Bar’s EE menu
November 17, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.24.p
Bug fixes:
- Add work around for servers that do not return PHP INF as expected to allow ticket editor to still function as expected
- Allow EE content filters to be applied multiple times, but only once after “the loop” has started
- Move the loading of the EE_Request_Handler so it’s inside a conditional that verifies this is an Event Espresso Custom post type route
November 16, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.23.p
Bug fixes:
- Fix conflict with Jetpack’s WP.me shortlink module and event editor page
- Fix single Event view so shortcodes from a Venue CPT get parsed instead of displayed as text
- Add set_listener_for_datepicker_change() function and revalidate datepicker after change
- Fix [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] shortcode so it only displays the content once per event
November 13, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.22.p
- Allow custom event templates to load in template parts via
espresso_get_template_part( 'content', 'espresso_events' );
Promotions add-on 1.0.5
Bug fixes:
- Promotions code needs to access the Promotions config via the Promotions module
- Ensure Promotions Config doesn’t reset its scopes property on multiple constructs
November 12, 2015
MailChimp 2.3.1
Bug fix:
- Fix config updating on every admin page load unnecessarily
People add-on 1.0.4
- Add support for reordering additional template parts
Event Espresso 4.8.21.p
Bug fixes:
- Fix available ticket sales count so events do not sell out prematurely
- Fix activation so servers with PHP 5.2 do not fatal error on activation where the Psr4 Autoloader class is instantiated
- Fix whitespace in a ticket QTY field and datetime reg limit field setting the value to 0 in ticket editor
- Add failsafe for filter_input with $_SERVER variables
- Fix wrong method call in EE_Payment_Processor::process_refund()
- Fix breakage to the WP Customizer when a single event is included in the website’s navigation menu
Enhancements and New Features:
- Add option to reorder the elements of the event details
- Add support for reordering additional template parts for add-ons
- Add ability for Single Page Checkout registrations steps to be skipped over if not needed
- Add ‘DTS’ class to html elements that display datetimes to allow CSS to hide sold out datetimes
- On creating directories in wp-content/uploads, verify required credentials first, then try to initialize the WP Filesystem API. Then if EE cannot use the WP Filesystem API to create uploads directories, then plan to re-attempt to create them later
- New Messages Shortcode for iCAL
November 12, 2015
Promotions add-on 1.0.4
New Feature:
- Add a “Global” option to retroactively and proactively apply a promotion code to all events
November 9, 2015
People add-on 1.0.3
- Fix People add-on admin list table so the “Published” view does not include the “Trash” view’s actions
- Make sure trashed related objects to persons are not displayed
- Fix the template so that the event section heading doesn’t appear if there are no events available for display with the person
- Condensed the list table columns
- Add a column for feature image to admin list table
- Add a column for the types the person is assigned to for events
- Change Delete link text color to red
- Remove required messaging on email field in contact metabox
November 3, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.20.p
Bug fixes:
- Fix ticket archiving feature so the archived ticket gets copied
- Fix event status updater so that when the last ticket’s sale end date occurs, the event status does not change to Sold Out
- Add Check for Daylight Savings Time to EE_Transaction_Test::test_datetime() Unit Test
- Fix thank you page ‘edit info’ link for non-primary attendees when no info is required for additional attendees
- Fix Required parameter on Expiry Year for Authorizenet AIM
- Fix Warning: Missing argument 2 for custom_more_link() when the WP theme uses a custom more text function
- Make sure custom post types hooking into save_post only process event post types
- Incorporate WP Multisite blog_id into EE_Session transient name to avoid cross-talk between sites
- Make billing form info message more conditional
- Explain CVV/CCV fields in billing forms
- Allow users to modify the gateway templates used within the thank you page
October 28, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.19.p
Bug fixes:
- Fix ticket selector embed so it doesn’t throw an alert if there’s only one ticket selection available
- Fix thank you page asset loading if site URL is not the same as blog URL
- Move espresso_no_tkt_slctr_end_dv() out of template and into module
October 26, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.18.p
Bug fixes:
- Make sure to run toFixed on running total before formatting the ticket price in the editor
- Update accounting.js library to latest version
- Fix event taxonomy list query’s order_by start_date
- Automatically fix db when there are model errors
- Continue to pass the question ID, and a system question ID to EEM_Answer::get_attendee_property_answer_value()
- Avoid potential theme conflict where ticket selector datetime info table layout breaks when themes set table-layout to fixed
- Add Post_Meta model and associate it with CPT models for REST API
October 22, 2015
MailChimp 2.3.0
- Fix Update resetting MailChimp Settings (API and Skip-opt in)
- Fix issue where MaiChimp form in event editor conflicts with updating event post meta
- Fix MailChimp add-on’s database migration scripts
- Add an option allowing the user to set when the registrant info is sent to MailChimp
- Adjust default option to send on registration approved
October 21, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.17.p
Bug fixes:
- Calculate the maximum number of tickets available for the datetime without really factoring this ticket into the calculations first, then factor in the details for the specific ticket
- Restore missing filters if Ticket Selector is hidden
- Fix event list query’s order_by start_date
- Make the Last name field optional
- No need to instantiate default config objects before loading values from db
- Add some spacing above the message editor’s reset templates button to reduce accidental clicking
- Change ticket selector table so that if no tickets require selection, no selector is displayed
October 20, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.16.p
Bug fix:
- Fix logic for getting the actual saleable amount for a ticket with respects to datetime(s) reg limits
- New unit test coverage
- Add other as a Method of Payment in the Add payment / Delete Payment modal window
October 19, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.15.p
Bug Fixes:
- Remove unnecessary filter since messages are triggered directly
- Add new _maybe_send_notifications() method and use for triggering both registration and payment messages
- Enforce Ticket.TKT_qty never exceeding the minimum Datetime.REG_limit on attached Datetimes
- Fix anomalies in Register Addon API
- Fix AHEE__EE_Cron_Tasks__finalize_abandoned_transactions cron triggering Reg Approved messages when using Off-site payment methods
- Fix unit test warnings due to not verifying value type before running foreach
- Fix total price rounding errors when percent based price modifiers are attached to tickets
- Allow unfiltered HTML in event description if the current user has the unfiltered HTML capability
- Migrations from EE3: Fix some corner case bugs and correct the logic that found duplicate venues when migrating in order to avoid adding duplicates
- Fix Mijireh not finalizing the registration properly – “Payment Options” does not ‘complete’
- Fix cron tasks not getting unscheduled
- Only use model relations at index if it’s set, otherwise provide a good default value
- Added html5 validation to the Payment/Refund Note field, server-side validation to double-check that, and made the columns bigger
- Fix PayPro Pro Payment method so it uses the credit card month input
- Delete all config data when “Permanently Deleting All EE4 data”
- Fix promotion table cleanup script so it does not include hardcoded wpdb prefix
- Use wp_json_encode() instead of json_encode() when responding to AJAX requests in the WP admin
- Add checkbox for triggering Payment notifications, and add label to existing checkbox
- Check if send payment notification checkbox is checked before triggering payment notifications
- Add esp_question_option.QSO_system column and related field
- Add hooks for modifying form inputs generated from questions for Single Page Checkout
- Add hooks to allow adding other system questions
- Add a hook for changing how attendee billing info form gets autofilled
October 7, 2015
WP User Integration 2.0.7
Bug fixes:
- Backwards-and-forwards compatibility for WP Users and EE4 core
New Features and Enhancements:
- Add syncing for User description (labelled biography on wp users edit screen) with EE Contact bio and vice versa.
- Add option to disable updating user profile when registering for an event
- Add ticket required capability when saving a new default ticket
- Text changes to remove “Events” text strings in the My Events shortcode templates
- Add Invoice link to front end ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS output
- Remove the receipt action from the My Events table if the receipt messenger is not active
October 6, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.14.p
Bug Fixes:
- Remove check for consistent IP address through reg process
- Fix registrations count on WP dashboard widget
- Add brackets to where the Psr4 Autoloader class is instantiated and use phpversion() for PHP version check
- Update circle.yml to load PHPUNIT 4.8
September 29, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.13.p
Bug Fixes:
- Fix event Check-in tab not showing registrations from archived tickets
- Fix incorrect paging count vs actual results on registration list table
- Add LIN_timestamp when migrating from 4.7
- Fix Registrations CSV Report where it displays numeric value for State/province answer
Enhancements/New Feature:
- Add message shortcodes that link to a specific filtered view of the registrations for an event in the backend, to be used within any message type
- Add action for when default ticket is created
Event Espresso 4.8.12.p
Bug Fixes:
- Fix loading JavaScript on Thank You page
- Fix incorrect paging count vs actual results on registration list table
September 28, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.11.p
Bug Fixes:
- Fix issue that results in adding a payment or applying a refund on the transactions overview screen does not update registration status
- Add fixes to core related to Stripe add-on fixes
- Fix transaction reports to allow currency localization
- Fix issue where “Invalid argument supplied for foreach()” warnings appear with debugging enabled when creating custom messages
- Record when line items are created, and don’t delete line items which are younger than a specified cutoff time (by default the same as transactions, a week).
- Fix ‘pending’ payments – Transaction marked incomplete/pending until transaction is viewed
- Add the user selected Payment Method to the transactions list table
- Add option to hide Expired Events from the attendee check-in view
- Add Venues archive button link
- Add action hooks for placement of content in the decaf event/datetime ticket editor
- Add action hooks in the Additional Questions metabox in the Event Editor
- Add action hooks for notifications metabox in event editor
- Add the invoice action link to the registrations overview
- Add missing countries
- Add a notice if there is a .maintenance file within root
September 28, 2015
WP User Integration 2.0.6
Compatibility fix:
- Fix WP Users no longer pre-populating reg form name and email fields for logged in users
September 21, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.10.p
Bug Fixes:
- Fix ticket selector bot trap so it doesn’t trap humans
- Fix no registration message sent when PayPal cron is ran to update the transaction status
- Fix the event filters to show the number of events specific to that user
- Fix issue in Registrations and Transactions list view where searching for a first and last name combination doesn’t return any results
- Fix fatal error when updating a question group on sites where the database does not increment IDs as previously expected
- Make results of `EE_Base_Class::get()` for serialized fields consistent
- Add PSR4 Autoloader
- Add link to PHP Support Versions page in PHP version recommendation notice
- Add filter to headers on EE_Email_messenger
- Option for global header and global footer for Email messenger
- Move attendee list table search field closer to the top of the mobile view
- Added two new shortcodes to the event messages shortcodes library:
- Change admin styles to use red font for permanently delete links in questions and questions groups
- Accessibility improvement: Add status text to list table columns for status
- Add new Messages shortcode picker UI
- Automatically remove relations to objects in the entity mapper when related objects are deleted
- New feature: Allow admins to duplicate questions and their question options
- PHP 5.4 end of life on Sept 14 2015, Event Espresso’s minimum recommended version of PHP is now version 5.5.28
- Add Venue List to Critical Pages screen
- Do unit tests for Registration Admin Page status changes and notifications
September 15, 2015
WP User Integration 2.0.5
Compatibility fix:
- Fix new user notifications that broke with the WP 4.3.1 update
September 10, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.9.p
Bug Fixes:
- Fix issue where records are written to answer table with REG_ID=0 for system questions
- Fix JavaScript error on Transactions list table admin page that’s related to help tours
- Fix JavaScript that disables all messages preview links
- Fix default Registration Status not being set in new events
- Backward compat fix Prevents infinite loops due to bug in WordPress versions < 4.2
- Allow venue address display formats to be filtered
September 8, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.8.p
Bug Fixes:
- Fix editing payment amounts within a transaction not updating the values correctly for each individual registration
- Fix admin error/success display so that multiple notices can be processed and shown during a single request
- Fix focus on question answer option adds
- Fix event status strip colors
- Fix Event Datetime’s Event End time slider control
- Fix the Add New State/Province module link and content hidden in billing forms
- Add a quick fix for disappearing line items
- Don’t populate question descriptions when migrating questions from EE3
- Allow each admin page’s controller to override the pagenow_map (in addition to events and venues)
- Fix reordering answered question values not saving
- Fix failing datetime unit test in EEM_Datetime
- Add mobile styles to event check-ins and other EE admin list tables (WordPress 4.3+ only)
- Wrap success message in a filter FHEE__EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Payment_Options__registration_checkout__selected_payment_method__display_success filter hook
- Use WP date format settings instead of hardcoded formats in Ticket Selector template
- Remove the term “ticket” from all front end strings
- Resize section titles on settings pages
- Remove method type hinting for EE_Registration, and instead throw exception within try catch block which will produce a more user friendly error message
August 27, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.7.p
Bug Fix:
- Remove placeholder text from the Ticket Selector’s bot trap input
August 26, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.6.p
Bug Fixes:
- Fix Maintenance Mode notice so it doesn’t fill entire window on front-end of site
- Fix translation strings
- Fix migration error strings
- Fix old sales taxes being marked as non-default between 4.8.0 to 4.8.5
August 25, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.5.p
Bug Fixes:
- Make sure to do_action( ‘add_meta_boxes’) to admin_details_wrapper()
- Fix missing default sales tax from Pricing screen
- Fix migration error strings
- Fix License Key field not deleting when using the “Permanently Delete All Event Espresso Data” maintenance option
- Add a bot trap for the Ticket Selector to reduce spam submissions before they hit the registration form
- Add argument for ee-dialog helper javascript that allows one to indicate NOT to scroll to top when dialog is opened
- New Messages shortcodes: [DATE_START], [DATE_END], [TIME_START], and [TIME_END]
August 24, 2015
WP User Integration 2.0.4
- Fix pagination issues with the [ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS] shortcode
- Change usage of locate_template() to allow for loading in custom templates for the ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS shortcode
- Pass registration object to FHEE__EED_WP_Users_SPCO__process_wpuser_for_attendee__username filter hook
August 19, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.4.p
Bug Fixes:
- Fix Venue categories loading blank fields when creating new categories
- Fix DMS to use correct parent ID for new line items
Event Espresso 4.8.3.p
- Remove abstract declaration from EE_Line_Item_Filter_Base::process() so as not to conflict with EEI_Line_Item_Filter interface in PHP versions < 5.3.9
- Make sure minimum PHP version required is checked on deactivation hook
- Make sure to load the rest of EE_System (and register hooks) if minimum PHP version required is met
August 17, 2015
Event Espresso 4.8.2.p
New Features:
- Add support for the Event Espresso 4 Promotions & Discount Codes add-on.
- Datetime System Improvements
- Localize Date Picker in Ticket and Datetime Editor
- Add an event_meta shortcode to the message templates
- Remove old fixes from config loading
- Enhance the checkout, registration and transaction views to increase line item detail introduced with Promotions add-on
- Remove Update Payment Options button for Not Approved Registrations
- Added a Messages shortcode to print ticket amount including taxes or surcharges
- More General fix to avoid unserialized model object issues
- EE_Error called incorrectly from EEH_Debug_Tools
- “Add State” button always right after state question input
- Form System validation errors
- Fix PHP docs and type hinting in Request Handler and add get_current_page_permalink() method
- Initial Release
August 11, 2015
Event Espresso 4.7.10.p
- Fix stuck Payment Information section on Thank You Page after Registration Checkout
- Wrap ‘tiny-text’ output in a WP_Debug check
- Fix shortcodes not being removed from the saved `post_shortcodes` config when they are removed from a post
- Fix RECIPIENT_ANSWER_* shortcode output in the Ticket List section
- Fix editing/removing a payment immediately after applying it
- Fix Transaction -> Payment Details not updating when a payment is removed
- Fix the ‘Registrations to Apply payment to’ section not updating to show Paid registrations unless the page is refreshed
- Fix errant tag added by CssToInlineStyles library
- Fix pagination calculation for EEH_Template::get_paging_html
- Verify EE_Datetime object in EE_Ticket::date_range()
- Fix de-registering an add-on failing to remove any registered cpts and/or taxonomies by that add-on
- Fix incorrect method call for get_model() in get_field_or_extra_meta and set_field_or_extra_meta (EE_Base_Class)
- Refactor checkin status representation internally to be consistent with how checkin status is recorded in db
- Fix ‘# Datetimes’ value being ignored when checking in registrants
- Send country codes to Mijireh instead of country names
- Merge pull request to fix method EE_Attendee::get_most_recent_registration_for_event()
- Set doing_it_wrong() error type
- Add interfaces for Object Collections and Object Repositories
- Create EE_Object_Collection class and refactor EE_Object_Repository to extend it
- Update “Nothing in Your Event Queue” message to include instructions to allow cookies in your browser settings
- Reset Permalink after Duplicated Event Title is Edited
- Merge Pull Request for fixing add new attendee route
- Add new getters and setters for EE_Base_Class that extends data into extra meta dynamically
- Add generate_unique_token() function to EEH_URL
- Improve name of third parameter for EE_Base_Class::_add_relation_to()
July 31, 2015
WP User Integration 2.0.3
- Update WP Users Integration add-on’s migration script to allow continuing after a migration gets stuck
July 31, 2015
WP User Integration 2.0.2
- Fix EE_WPUsers::get_attendee_user() method
- Fix my events shortcode not using correct method for getting attendee id attached to user
- Fix no ajax-url in the JavaScript
- Fix undefined template tag
- Bump per_page shortcode default to 100
- Localize i18n strings to the My events JavaScript
- parse_query is an action not a filter
- Fix DMS so it includes all usermeta keys LIKE %EE_Attendee_ID
July 30, 2015
WP User Integration 2.0.1
- Modify user_meta functions to use user_option instead to make for compatibility with WP Multisite installations
- Clear floating login button within SPCO reg form
New Feature
- Add [ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS] shortcode to display list of registrations for user on a front end WordPress page
July 16, 2015
Event Espresso 4.7.9.p
- Don’t send address info from the registration form to Mijireh and set it as the billing address, because they may not be the same
July 13, 2015
Event Espresso 4.7.8.p
- Allow reCAPTCHA to work if allow_url_fopen=0
- Remove failed transactions from paging
- Fix some html tags getting stripped when saving event category descriptions
- Fix Catchable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to EEH_Parse_Shortcodes::parse_line_item_list_template() must be an instance of EE_Line_Item, null given
- Fix issue in Payment Methods validation that occurs when URLs to unverified SSL pages are still valid URLs
- Update the Registrations Report query to include datetimes for trashed tickets
- Update reCAPTCHA library
- Remove EE critical pages as options from WP > Settings > Reading’s Front page displays settings
July 7, 2015
Event Espresso 4.7.7.p
- Allow white space at beginning and end of registration form text fields to prevent validation errors
- Use simple HTML validation for vanilla textareas and full HTML validation for HTML textareas
- Fix Multi Event Registration cart so it doesn’t allow adding more tickets allowed per event per order
- Fix JavaScript error on Thank You page when clicking the resend message link
- Allow bulk removal of tickets from the Multi Event Registration cart by setting Qty to 0
July 3, 2015
Event Espresso 4.7.6.p
- Fix the stuck loading payment information spinner on the Thank You page that occurs after selecting the invoice payment
- Fix transaction incomplete after PayPal IPN although registration and payment approved
- Fix Authorize.net AIM not recording gateway transaction IDs
- Add unique user agent to PayPal IPN validation response to possibly avoid 500 error on PayPal’s server
July 1, 2015
Event Espresso 4.7.5.p
- Fix ticket_selector.css so it loads on a post with the ESPRESSO_EVENTS shortcode on it
- Ensure that Session Transient IDs are truncated prior to retrieving
- Fix issue with MER skipping Payment Options step during checkout
- Fix ee_config not updating when you change the Registration checkout page setting in the Critical Pages tab
- Remove necessity of “ee_read_private_events” to see private events in the event list table
- Ensure private venues show on venue list table
- Fix total item count (and the pagination results) when filtering active status events on the event list table
- Fix the usage of an incorrect timestamp for the “active status” queries
- Fix conditional in use for [TOTAL_OWING] shortcode parsing in EE_Transaction_Shortcodes
- Fix caf dependency in decaf context for question_list and question shortcodes
- Change Payment Method textareas to use Full HTML validation strategy, and add “p” tag to Simple HTML validation strategy
- Make sure Decaf shows maintenance notice
June 25, 2015
Event Espresso 4.7.4.p
- Fix PayPal IPN response when the a refund is processed from the PayPal account
June 25, 2015
Event Espresso 4.7.3.p
- Fix EE_Register_Capability capability map registry limits number of maps for a certain type that can be registered and fix deregistering capability maps
- Migrations: Change the order of the migration steps so it saves the migrations ran first, then initializes default data
- Migrations: Add some text explaining to refresh the page if there is a timeout error
- Fix blurry logo images within invoice PDFs
- Add an option for users to change the “events” Custom Post Type slug
- Remove “Amount Due: [TOTAL_OWING]” from the default Refund Issued message template
- Add new form fields and question types for added forms security
June 19, 2015
Event Espresso 4.7.2.p
- Fix Transaction Admin displaying incorrect ‘Transaction Session Details’
- Fix deregistering an addon via EE_Addon api instantiating models unnecessarily
- Fix EE_Registry::$i18n_js_strings JSON array getting localized twice on TXN admin page resulting in data loss
- Fix shortcode assets not loading when shortcode belonging to inactive addon remains registered
- Move usage of ‘map_meta_cap’ filter OUT of the EE_Meta_Capability_map object
- Add garbage collection for Transactions and line items
- Add filters to ticket selector table. Tip of the hat goes to Richard Tape
- Only show EE errors on EE routes
- Allow more characters in Address 2 Field
- Add filter hooks to modify question ouput
June 15, 2015
Event Espresso 4.7.1.p
- Fix memory usage spike on core plugin activation that can lead to a fatal error
- Fix PayPal cron updating the Registration stauts to Approved when it updates a transaction with no payment
New Feature and Enhancements:
- Add support for Multi Event Registration
- Improve get_paging_html() method
- More efficient database migrations for major version updates
June 5, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.31.p
- Fix Unable to save registration form data for the form input: “new_state_micro_form”
- Clean up the single event page’s html validation errors
- Fix query for expired tickets
- Fix regression in venue input widths (CSS)
- Make sure that EED_Ticket_Selector config is set when options haven’t been saved yet
- Fix incorrectly shifting datetimes and cloned tickets not replicating to datetime context
- Fix untranslatable string in EEH_Line_Item
- New Feature: Attendee List Shortcode
- Increase the uniqueness of the Line Item codes, Reg URL links, and Reg Codes, by using microtime() instead of time() and apply an additional application of md5() to the reg_url_link
June 5, 2015
Espresso Calendar 3.2.3.p
- Clean up translation strings
- Add filter to allow changing how total available spaces max limit is calculated in the calendar tooltip
- Change method for getting the total available spaces max limit in the calendar tooltip
- Remove unused help file
June 3, 2015
WP User Integration 1.1.4
- Only prefill primary registrant answers
- Only update the users bio/description if it is actually creating the user from the registration
- Add an action hook hook users can use for updating custom values when updating user profile info
- New Feature: Display list of registrations for user on user profile page
May 29, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.30.p
- Fix PayPal IPN not updating payment status when PayPal account shipping address contains a special character
- Security fix with automatic update system, discovered in house
- Add Warning Banner that displays in both frontend and admin if version of EE is not a Production release
- Add the user selected Payment Method to a transaction record
- Add option for toggling expired tickets visibility in ticket selector
May 27, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.29.p
- Fix EE_Event::tickets() method
- Fix some message contexts missing a value in the ‘FROM’ field
- Truncate old attendees txn_id column when migrating into esp_payment.PAY_txn_id_chq_nmbr
- Security fix: Escape all answer value output in messages templates. Vulnerability disclosed by Roy Jansen via our Report a security vulnerability form
- Sort Venues by alphabetical order in the event editor
- Add next_link() and prev_link() helper methods to EE_Admin_Page for easy retrieval of formatted links to use in content
- Add a link to the next/prev record when viewing individual transactions
- Add a link to the next/prev record when viewing individual registrations
- Add filter for changing payment methods based on event being registered for
- Add filter to initial metabox activation array for other EE addons to hook into
May 20, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.28.p
- Make sure Add New Registration tab doesn’t link anywhere
- Fix magically appearing new ticket under certain conditions in event editor
- Fix undefined index notice on WP Plugins page when an Event Espresso plugin update is available
- Fix bug with TKT_price getting out of sync with what its actual value should be
- Make sure a datetime’s textarea and selects duplicate on clone
- Fix incorrect templates for message types – registration cancelled and registration declined message types were fixed
- Update PHP docs for EEM_Base::get_all() BETWEEN operator
- Fix potential fatal error: Call to a member function count_related() on a non-object due to using old migration mapping data
- Fix potential migration error due to column truncation
- Fix radio button inputs missing their type when displayed in admin
- Move the tab located at ‘Event Espresso > General Settings > Templates’ to ‘Event Espresso > Events > Template Settings’
- Move the tab located at ‘Event Espresso > General Settings > Google Maps’ to ‘Event Espresso > Venues > Google Maps’
- Display Payment method order field, with help text saying how to use it, and also specifically include it in the invoice form layout
May 14, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.27.p
- Fix notices when saving a category with no values
- Fix misplaced ID field for help tour for questions admin page
- Fix raw CSS appearing in messages
- Fix infinite redirection loop after upgrading from EE3.1 and finding no new DMSs
- Optimize CSV registration report queries
- Add links back to the transaction/registration overview for an event
- Add a “Developers” tab within the EE4 admin Help & Support page
- Prevent losing registration view filter settings after doing an action
- Change order of displayed payment methods so they are ordered by their order parameter
- Add [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*] shortcode for retrieving the specific answer given for a custom question for the primary registrant
May 12, 2015
WP User Integration 1.1.3
- Add new user account registration link on the log in step if applicable
May 12, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.26.p
- Fix onsite gateways transactions with declined payments not showing a message that payment was declined
- Fix misplaced ID field for help tour for questions admin page
- Fix event editor’s usage of moment.js
- Fix Page Template option in Event editor
- Fix js calculations when manually applying/deleting a payment on a transaction when commas are used as decimal separators
- Make ‘Amount:’ required on the apply payment model
- Fix Registrations -> Reports including ‘Incomplete’ registrations
- Skeleton payment method update
- When getting billing input values, include subsections, and display them in the billing section
- Fix forms strategies for when they aren’t arrays
- Add filters for CSV delimiter and enclosure characters. Tip of the hat goes to Jonathan de Jong
- Add filters to email messenger to bypass CSS_inliner
- Forms: New validation strategies, modified the existing text valdiation strategy to accept an optional regex, a new phone input, and some unit tests
May 8, 2015
Event Espresso Ticket Scanning add-on 1.0.3.p
- Fix QR Codes not using color:#000 by default.
May 1, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.25.p
- Explicitly check for WPDB results of “false” when performing updates (and deletes?)
- Fix PRC_name column length inconsistency with TKT_name column length in database.
- EE4 WP_User needs to use the custom table or main site table
- Don’t generate IPN crons for locked TXNs unless payment method uses a “true” IPN in a separate request
- Fix Admin Registrations -> Registration Approved message parsing [QUESTION] to empty string.
- Hidden Error when Saving Settings Admin Page
- Fix ticket selector in cases where more than 255 characters are in the ticket’s description
- DECAF: Question group links in the event editor need to be updated
- Create next() and prev() methods for easier retrieval of consecutive objects/fields for EE_Base_Class objects.
April 28, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.24.p
- Fix address formatting used for the contact when adding an attendee via the admin
- Ticket Selector: Bump LIN_desc datatype to TEXT
- Migrations: Check that the event meta is actually an array before using it like one
- SPCO JS enhancement for Vanco Gateway
April 27, 2015
Event Espresso Ticket Scanning add-on 1.0.2.p
- Fix add_query_arg() usage
- Restructure date queries for barcode scanner to work pre datetime refactor and post datetime refactor
- Fix barcode scanner admin when there’s only one upcoming event
- Update query for getting events in barcode scanner to use new DateTime methods
April 23, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.23.p
- Fix add_query_arg() usage
- Fix issue that occurs when there is a select input in the form, where there are exactly 2 options, one having a value of “” and the other having any other value
- Add a descriptive CSS class name to form inputs
April 21, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.22.p
- Fix add_query_arg() usage
April 21, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.21.p
- Fix add_query_arg() usage
- Remove register now button for sold out events
- Fix Form System inputs from changing all registrant states to Alaska when reCAPTCHA is present
- Stop EE4 from sending out Payment declined message when payment is refunded in PayPal
- Add option to display Upcoming events widget everywhere
- Add filter to display full names for states and countries
- Change address form’s State/Province and Country dropdown inputs to default to a null value
April 16, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.20.p
- Fix issue where reCAPTCHA blocks off-site payment method redirect on re-visit
- Fix issue where other custom post type templates may not load when Event Espresso is activated
- Change action for adding nocache headers
- Fix missing closing DIV on Radio Buttons question type
- Remove conflicting CSS style rule that was applied to fix WordPress admin sidebar (WordPress 4.2)
- Clean up translation strings
- Add filter to allow payment method setting’s image to urls not force HTTPS on sites not using HTTPS
- Update esp_registration REG_group_size column’s data type so it can handle more
- Add AJAX route to SPCO for getting the TXN total
- Increase character limit for ‘STA_abbrev’ field within esp_states
- Add DB caching DONOTCACHE constant for SPCO and ticket selector
- Add a filter hook for line item name
- Allow re-attempts at Migration script without needing to restore to a backup
- Add core changes for API add-on
- Include all approved registration in the CSV report, regardless of transaction status
- Change registering of new payment methods so the payment method class file is named after its directory, regardless of that directories case
April 7, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.19.p
- Fix disabled onsite payment billing form inputs on Internet Explorer when reCAPTCHA is active
- Fix Finalize registration step for free events on Internet Explorer when reCAPTCHA is active
- Fix issue where privately published venues can not be selected within the event editor
- Fix garbage collection query to prevent unwanted deleting of option keys
- Fix issue where auto-drafted events have defaults changed if not saved
- Remove previous years from credit card expiration year input
- Fix ‘Undefined index: PMD_ID’ when updating a payment within a Abandoned Txn
- Fix conditional that can cause a hidden PHP notice after returning from PayPal
- Remove span tags from Time registration occured [REG_date] column’s data
Mar 26, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.18.p
- Fix potential plugin conflict where printr() is used
- Fix Copy/Use Attendee #1’s information for ALL attendees
- Make default “This field is required” text translation ready
- Fix unescaped localized title attribute values are escaped
- Fix potential issue where validation errors could occur on saving Payment method settings
- Fix potential SQL echoed output to screen when saving question groups
New Features and Enhancements:
- Allow HTML tags in Payment Method Description area
- Add template option to display/don’t display sales and tickets left
- Add template option to display/don’t display ticket “View Details” section
Mar 26, 2015
WP User Integration 1.1.2
- Fix multiple submit listener bug
Mar 24, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.17.p
- Fix conditional for SPCO successive steps
- Fix messages [PAYMENT_GATEWAY] shortcode
- Fix duplicate IDs in status legend q-tip popup
- Fix broken HTML on Transactions page
- Fix fatal error from clicking links under the TXN total column on single event registrations list table
- Fix issue where some UTC offsets set in WP general settings will cause no datepicker when adding new datetime in Event Editor
- Run extra sanitization on routes
Mar 19, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.16.p
WordPress version 4.2 compatibility release:
- Update Event and Venue editors so they load correctly with WordPress 4.2
- Update event, registration, transaction, and ticket list table view styles so they look nice on WordPress 4.2
Mar 18, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.15.p
- Fix reCAPTCHA issue where not clicking ‘I’m not a robot’ leads to ‘This is a free event, so no billing will occur’ message in SPCO
- Fix registration emails not triggered when using Paypal standard and event’s Default Registration status is “Approved”
- Fix issue with the Proceed to Finalize Registration button when Stripe is selected, then another payment method is selected
- Fix counts for month and today view links
- Fix warning when deleting payment from the admin
- Fix event name styling in transaction reports
- Fix missing transaction session data (IP and User Agent)
- Fix venue editor’s capacity field to allow inputting a comma
- Fix issue where the registrations filter returns registrations for all events instead of those for the current event
- Improve small screen styles for messages list tables
- Localize month names in Transactions overview list table
- Fix incorrect text domain usage in a few places
- Add explanation text about asterisk for default receipt templates
- Fix event post lock feature
- Fix Transaction ID not recorded with payment details with PayPal Standard
- Fix untranslatable field labels within PayPal Pro billing form
- Remove ticket descriptions that do not apply from the default invoice template
- Fix payment methods loading images over HTTP within secured pages
- Fix errors from migration from EE3 when w attendee records don’t have tickets
- Allow the Phone Number question to be assigned to other groups
- Add new message types for handling various payment statuses
- Enable submit button immediately for editing registration answers
- Display link to download invoice on Thank You page regardless of transaction status
- Include current URL in payment logging for PayPal standard
- Add payment dates, payment methods, transaction ID, gateway transaction ID, total # of registrations, and filters to the Registrations CSV report
- Add Other Services admin page
Mar 4, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.14.p
- Fix the potential “Finalize Registration” step was not finalized properly error on Thank You page
- Fix session transients’ set expiration
- Fix event list shortcode sort by venue_title parameter; props JonasBrand
- Fix admin categories link to “events in category” and venue categories link to “venues in venue category”
- Fix slashes appearing for quotes when invalid shortcode discovered on saving message template
- Fix normalization error in question types when answers are are a mix of strings and integers
- Fix Maintenance -> Reset -> Permanently reset data throwing a fatal error
- Temporarily remove export and import feature
- Remove “success” dialog boxes that display on the checkout steps
- Add ‘DONOTCACHEPAGE’ constant to Ticket selector, Single Page Checkout, and Thank You page
Mar 3, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.13.p
- Make sure Receipt and Invoice module routes are not translatable
- Paypal Pro Gateway: Ignore CVV2 mismatches if the payment was already accepted
- Check TXN Reg Step completion during IPN processing and attempt to Finalize TXN if possible
New Feature:
- Add a new CSV report for Contact Lists
Feb 27, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.12.p
- Add error check and throw exception when processing a message and attendee data is missing
- Update module name requirements
- Make sure that rewrite rules are flushed when an add-on is activated
- Fix “Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Http_Cookie could not be converted to string” when a wp_remote_request sets a wp_http_cookie
- Add check to avoid PDF Invoice error when PHP’s mbstring extension isn’t installed
Feb 20, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.11.p
- Add backwards compatibility to deprecated filters from pre 4.6
- Fix untranslatable ‘Proceed To %s’ string
- Restore Event Espresso credit link
- Fix Approved registrations ability to return and pay for a sold out event
- Make sure view counts for contact list table use the correct method
- Make sure only publish status contacts show on “in use” view… all other statuses in “trash” view
- Ensure trash/restore actions for contacts work for all status
- Fix the Incomplete view link for the registrations page for a specific event
- Fix unusable ‘CHQ #’ field or payment method status for admin payments
- Fix an issue where an event with a long slug will cause the registration report graphs and transaction report graphs to render incorrectly
- Fix Errors downloading receipt when _get_payment_method() is called with no transaction
- Fix dynamic message shortcodes validation
- Fix EE4 event data not being deleted when choosing NOT to migrate data
- Create On/Off toggle using HTML and CSS for messages settings so it can be localized
- Add trim() to [ANSWER_*] shortcode to allow for any extra whitespace input
Feb 18, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.10.p
- Fix Add New State form
- Fix Duplicate Event feature so it also copies taxonomies, discussion settings
- Add error handling for registration list table when no ticket is related to a migrated registration
- Fix error when applying full payment to a transaction
- Fix [TKT_QTY_PURCHASED] parsing to empty string within Payment Received -> Primary Registrant
- If invalid message type set for default message type on messenger, unset it as a default
- Add more error proofing for message type object requests for message types no longer active
- Fix condition where one line item gets sent to gateways when multiple tickets purchased
- Add filter which payment gateways can use to easily stop rendering the transactions page if they need to
- Add explanation text to the [ESPRESSO_TXN_PAGE] shortcode
Feb 17, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.9.p
- Set visible registration countdown time to not display by default
- Fix ticket selector embed validation for radio buttons
- Add styles to the ticket selector embed
- Add responsive styles to the ticket selector’s extra details section
Feb 17, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.8.p
- Add cron to ensure that messages get sent if registrant does not return from PayPal.com after paying
- Add cron to ensure that transaction status gets updated if registrant does not return from PayPal.com after paying
- Add notification that includes a countdown timer to notify registrant how much time is left before session expires
Feb 16, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.7.p
- Fix issue where a translated ‘events’ slug is ran through sanitize_title() causing problems with the Permalink preview
- Fix ticket datetime selections affecting the ticket order
- Do not archive tickets if the only registrations on the ticket are incomplete
- Fix issue where a country with no provinces/states set will have a large text field that overflows in the venue editor
- Fix text domain for General Settings page tab labels
- Localize / Translate Date (month name) on event list table in admin
- Fix Email messenger not activating by default when activating after using the database reset tool
- Ensure ticket selector embeds have js/css loaded
- Remove unused images in the messages folder
- Fix css in email main template
- Fix registration CSV Reports missing registrations for archived tickets
- Add phone field to billing info that’s sent to Authnet (AIM gateway)
- Add filter for EE Admin List Table icon legend
- Add filter to allow changing state and country billing form inputs to text fields
New Feature:
- Embeddable Ticket selector
Feb 12, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.6.p
- Fix active message templates in db with no corresponding active message type/messenger available causing exceptions
- Use non-pretty credit_card_type in PayPal Pro billing info
Feb 11, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.5.p
- Fix checkbox and radio button questions so they display an asterisk when they are set to required
- Fix glob error checks so that it does not prevent filter/actions from firing
- Fix Messages DATETIME_ shortcode output for non-English sites
- Add handling to ignore PayPal Payment Data Transfer
- Fix to avoid potential error during migrations
- Fix payment method settings required field validation
- Add filter to EE_Session $_expiration property
- Add default text color (black) to white background ‘notice’ boxes
- Add new [RECIPIENT_ANSWER_*] shortcode for use in ticketing
- Fix Month/Year filter selector order by for the admin list tables
- Update minimum WP version check to require WP 4.0 or greater
- Add new hooks that Event Smart makes use of for detecting when a site has been brought up-to-date
Feb 5, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.4.p
- Fix nothing in your event queue message after beginning registration checkout
Event Espresso 4.6.3.p
- Fix Invalid argument supplied for foreach() EEH_Autoloader.helper.php on line 178 for servers that return glob() as false
- Incorrect form validation error registering from admin
Event Espresso 4.6.2.p
- Fix form validation script error where themes do not use get_footer()
- Fix reCAPTCHA conflict from the Fudge theme
Feb 4, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.1.p
- Fix “fatal error call to a member function slug() on a non-object” on registration page when in cases where other plugins have a conflict
- Fix transaction links pointing to same transaction on registration list table
Feb 3, 2015
Event Espresso 4.6.0.p
New Features:
- New payments system
- Open one payment method by default
- Add compatiblity for gateway add-ons like Stripe
- Developers: Mock payment method add-on
- Customizable receipt and invoice templates
- More modular Single Page Checkout
- Free event registrations are now a one step checkout
- Switch to the new NoCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA
- User capabilities system
- Compatibility with the new add-ons like Ticketing, Barcode scanner, and WP User Integration add-ons
- Event page template selector
- Message pack template system
- Support for UTF-8 invoices and receipts
- Developers: New API for registering new Custom Post types and taxonomies with Event Espresso
- Registrations CSV report for all events
- This is the first release of Event Espresso that also powers Event Smart
- Tag archives
- Upcoming events widget now uses WordPress defined date and time settings
Jan 28, 2015
Event Espresso 4.4.10.p
- Restore event overview filters (category, date, status)
Jan 27, 2015
Event Espresso 4.4.9.p
- Fix text box/label formatting when returning to payment options
- Fix second instance of an [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] shortcode on a page order_by & sort
- Fix [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] order_by parameter no longer accepting multiple values
- Fix broken WordPress Shortlinks
- Fix not approved thank you page trying to load payment data
- Fix private events so they don’t lose the ticket selector
- Fix the phone number value not appearing when editing an attendee record after registration checkout
- Simulate core EE editor to define pagenow a bit earlier
- Don’t add thousand separators when sending totals to Mijireh
- Use better type checking for messages shortcode parser to fix the issue where “0” was interpreted as a non-truthy value and thus stripped
- If a line item has no name make one up, based on its type to fix an unnamed tax line item sent to gateways
- Fix messages issues with having a single quote in a company name
- Import from CSV: Switch order of formatting datetimes. First try to format as an excel date. If not an exact match, parse it normally
- Don’t prevent deletion of model objects if they have related extra meta. Add unit test to prove this is correct
- Change labels from dollar discount/surcharge to fixed discount/surcharge
- Update max_input_vars check to 5.3.9
- Add Paypal Partnership Code
- Add timeout setting to the Authnet AIM gateway
- Make the offsite gateway strings i18n
- Change migrations so venue URL slugs match the venue title